I learned wildlife photography by myself (no courses, no mentor, no book). When I was in my first year of college, I took photos of ducks, pigeons and crows using my realme 2 pro phone. After some time I purchased mobile lens to capture birds and after 1 year I got my dslr (Well I belong to middle class family, and I'm not earning So I have only 1 option (at that time) ask to my parents to buy me camera, and yeah ! they said NO, NAHI, ILLE ! actually now, I can understand why they are saying no, at that time Im 15 years old and I'm not matured yet to carry, use and handle 60,000 Rs Dslr. 😅 I'm practicing daily to capture bird with my phone, observing birds & animals, daily watching videos of wildlife and how to use Dslr. It automatically convinced my parents to buy me Dslr. They purchased nikon D5600 Dslr with two kit lens 18-55mm and 70-300 mm, I can remember I was capturing photos daily, after 2 hour and whenever I saw a bird, with my new Beast 56. ( I named my camera - Beast 56)
My first photos captured on my Beast 56 :
Follow me on Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/wildlife.prabodh/
After one year, I created website to showcase my portfolio, but it didn't work 😒 so I closed my first website after 3 months. I'm always in the search of birds and animals specially snakes (still in the search of snakes 😅)
My brother spotted Coppersmith Barbet and the first time I captured a different bird than pigeon and bulbul
Then my journey begins...

My first perfect capture 👇🏻

I captured 60% of various birds available in my city. Slowly I learnt many new things about animals, birds, how camera work and getting experienced, after 1.5 Year I learnt photography. Im addicted to compitition shots 🙂 Rule of thirds, leading line and many more.
One day me and my tution friend (after getting bike licence) visited Hipprga Lake, after visiting I became completely obsessed with wildlife, capturing more and becoming a wildlife photographer.
At that time hipprga is like heaven for me. Slowly I upgraded my gears. I purchased book called BIRDS OF INDIA to know more about birds behavior and habitat (After that I learnt Male Birds more beautiful than females , Well me - "Because birds can't wear makeup, WTF!😂") Once I was looking Instagram, then a video of a flamingo came up, in that video a flamingo was feeding blood milk to a baby flamingo. Now I have a new goal that I want to learn and capture photos of Flemingo My first wildlife Photography trip is with Mr. Rahul (My neighbour) In Rainy season, We are going to capture rainquel, ( long story, in next blog). People in my town don't tell me where to see new birds, but slowly I understand
____________________________________ Year 2021 :
Now I have new friend Mr. Aditya, we are wildlife friends ✌🏻 He helped me to learn, bird photography. And it's going good 🤠
Prabodh Nanajkar, Signing Off 🕺